Embrace Midlife. Empower Body, Mind & Spirit.

I am here to guide women in midlife to embrace their journey and feel empowered in mind, body, and spirit.
Using my signature approach, Goa Flow, I seamlessly blend yoga, fitness, and whole*istic well-being to create personalised programs that cater to the unique needs of women in midlife and beyond.

Embark on a transformative journey guided by my approachable, inspirational, and inclusive teaching style, which fosters personal growth and transformation.

Through my active presence on social media and Anita Goa Studio, I not only share my expertise but also draw upon my own experiences as a midlife woman, inspiring women to embrace their true selves and navigate their paths with confidence and tailored support.

Together, let's unlock the power within and embark on a fulfilling journey of self-discovery and well-being.

Join me in celebrating the beauty of midlife and beyond, as we nurture vitality, clarity, and growth for a joyful and fulfilling life.

If this resonates with you, scroll down to explore the offerings I have prepared for your journey.

Here's to embracing vitality and the beautiful flow of life,
Anita Goa


Stay updated with Anita's newsletter: Notes of News & Inspiration for Midlife WellBeing  


Are you are a woman in midlife looking to embrace midlife and feel empowered in your body, mind and spirit? 

Then learn more about how you can join the Goa Flow Practice Room, tailored to empower your journey with self-confidence.

Hello, I am Anita Goa (she/her)

Founder of AnitaGoaStudio and Goa Flow

I know from personal experience, and from teaching thousands of people from all over the world that midlife (and beyond) is not a limitation. It's an advantage.

Yoga, fitness and reflection have been my trusted companions through times that nearly broke me. Fitness saved me in my teens and 20's. Yoga dared me to accept myself in my 30's and 40's.

At 53, a fusion of the two, together with self-inquiry dares me to continue to grow. I'm no different than you. I too have doubts and limiting beliefs, but years of experience have taught me to not believe in them, but rather allow myself to grow at my own pace, so i can feel my best self at any age.

I am known for being accessible, responsive and caring. I laugh easily, but i am very serious about what i do; while having a good time.